Whoa. I cannot recall what I was having an inner
debate about. But I do remember I was divided
right down the middle. And this image came to me.
Me Wrastling with myself. This is hard to look at.
It reminds me of a story Jeremy told me one time
about him and his Cousin Rob wrestling in his apartment.
...you will have to request the story From J... it is
not my place to tell that particular tale.
Not sure what to say about this one, other than
that hair you see, it my most photo real drawing
to date.
THE VERY NEXT DAY AFTER THE COFFEE INCIDENT: For those of you have been to North Bend on SSaturday, you know it is crazy busy. I was on my way home, it was raining, and I had Sadie with me and I was moving right along, and out of no where, a BMW Z4 roadster pulls out in right front of me, and I had to hit the brakes and i slid about 20 feet and stopped a frogs fart away from T boning this guy into the Never Never. I am still not sure how I did not hit him. He was coming off of the Freeway off ramp and just decided he own that part of the road and payed no heed to the stop sign in front of him... or the stream of cars whizzing by. And he had hit his brakes too, and I am not sure you could have put a piece of paper between my license plate and his passenger door...but he did not wave.. or nod, or attempt to say "My Bad" instead after he saw that he was still alive, he peeled off and went directly across the road and got back on the Freeway. Then the rage roiled up inside of me, I was so furious. I turned into a freak demon from the darkest part of Hell, and all I saw was red, and I wanted nothing more than to follow that guy and ram him off the road as I laughed maniacally.
...Then from the back seat. "He wasn't using his manners was he?"...Sadie pulled me back to earth, even though I was shaking like a leaf and pretty rattled my rage went away and I started to laugh uncontrollably. But I am not worried, Karma will catch that guy in the Z4. Or hopefully that scared him too and he will stop at stop signs now.
New haircut. And I forgot my head is horribly misshapen and lumpy and grooved.
But it feels good to not have a full helmet of hair weighing me down.
Number 75! And me and my weirdly shaped Skull.
And I AM a pretty Flower.
Some would say I have an "Unhealthy" relationship with coffee. Because this
is what I see when I look a a cup of Java.
People...(slow disapproving head shake with chin down and eyes closed) Glad to see you avoided those 2 idiots. I love when people complain about being "forced" to purchase auto liability insurance. I'm thinking, "Ya, to protect me from you!"