Saturday, December 3, 2011


Not a lot to say about this week, other than Dr. Ciacco and I had us a Drink and Draw, and we watched some pretty awesome cheesy 80's movies. Troll easily being the best of the night. Harry Potter Jr. Look it up. Harry Potter Jr. is in Troll along with the best troll puppets ever made.

Another late night after work, didn't really draw much on this night.
In fact this was about all I could manage.

 Two nights in a row of being super super tired after work.
At least I had enough in me to make this spider ask me for drugs.
I have no drugs.

 Night of the Drink and draw. Rainier Beers. Super cold and Delicious.
I ended up drinking 14 of them. I haven't done that in years and that brings
us to this.....

 Sweet Loyd almighty. I have beer all the time, but rarely do I ever
exceed two, on a special occasion or if I am feeling rambunctious
I will have three. But after fourteen 'Fishing Beers' (thank you for
the term Grady) I was so hungover and nauseous the next day. And
felt pretty Shitty the next two. I used to be able to drink alot, but
wow, I am unable to get after it now. Though Brett and I had fun
during the drink and Draw. I was sweating grease of some sort,
and my mouth tasted like I had been open mouth kissing an old
work boot. I never want a Rainier beer ever again.

 HALLOWEEN!! My favorite Holiday of the year! And we met up with
my cousins Chris, Ron, Rick, Rick's girlfriend Michelle, Ginger, Ginger's
boyfriend Jim and  Dr. Mr Max and went trick or treating so hard!
It was so much fun! I CANT WAIT FOR NEXT YEAR!!
I am getting all hyper just thinking about it!

 Went Clean shorn for 'Novembeard' at work. We do not shave
during Novembeard... well.. Neck trimming is allowed, but no face
shave permitted. I Even took off my side burns to a comic effect.

I try and Tell myself I didn't want something when I
cannot actually get it. But its a lie and we all know it.

1 comment:

  1. Novembeard? Nice!! I hope you got an 11/30 pic for gurth proof. I haven't been that clean shaven in I don't know how long. I've always wanted to try the no shave (at all) for a length of makes that difficult. I would have a hard time with no face trim at all because my upper cheek beard would prolly get tangled in my eye lashes after a few grows up to my lids!!
