Saturday, December 3, 2011


Well. I hit a Milestone on this week. The big 50. it was the first time in a long time I felt like I actually accomplished something. Even though these are just silly self portraits, it feels good to have kept the streak going this long.

 here it is 50. Fifty and a Popsicle... all natural, all fruits no sugar.

I have a sick sense of humor, and sometimes I laugh at
super inappropriate stuff. And when its over the line,
my inner No Nonsense Football Coach, comes
along to shut me up.

Also during this stretch. due to dietary reasons, I went Beer
Free. It wasn't easy, But I did it. I then decided to allow
myself one Tall Boy of Ice House. It was amazing. And
inexpensive. Inexpensively amazing.

 I do have a birthmark located here. But I decided
 it would be cooler if was hearts n stuff.

 Alot going on here. The guy on my shoulder shouldn't be
talking, some body let his ass out... with no pants.

Even when I actually get my hands on the iced cream
I get denied. Typical.

Dr. Ciacco and I decided to draw ourselves as care bears.
I am Suds a lot bear. I can make half racks appear with magic.

1 comment:

  1. I like the Care Bear idea. Magically appearing beer would be awesome. BEER!! (in summons voice). I think your inner coach should have his own blog...and talk about stuff he sees out in the world.
