Monday, November 7, 2011


So here it all began. A simple task put forth by Dr. Ciacco, to simply draw a self portrait to warm up. I had not been drawing at all. And I was really struggling to even start. I would sit down with my pencil in hand and just stare at a blank piece of high quality sketchbook paper. And nothing would happen. The spark had died. All I found dear and awesome in drawing had dried up and left me... and I died a little inside each time I opened my sketchbook. And then one fateful night, Dr. Ciacco told me to get up off my rump, and draw a self portrait. "You have two minutes to draw...It doesn't have to be good, just draw it." And I did it. After telling Dr. Ciacco about my drawing and how good it felt, he offered to guy me a coke if I dew a self portrait for a week straight. I took him up on his offer... And what happens next can only be described by books found inside Hogwarts. In other words, Magic. Pure weird ass Magic. It unlocked something inside of me, and I have used these self portraits as warm up every night now for near 70 nights in a row. and I often find myself drawing for a few hours at a time, and it feels good.

But I must warn you, these get pretty weird. Some will make you laugh, some will leave you puzzled and most may make you cringe.  You cannot UN see what you will see here. You have been warned.

 Here it is. The one that started it all. As you can see
I was pretty down and out about drawing. But after
I drew this, my Brain puked all of the pent up stuff
and I ended up drawing for FOUR HOURS into the wee
wee hours of the morning.. on a work night. I was so tired,
...but I felt so ALIVE!

 I drink alot of Coffee. Sometimes with a shirt on.

 The little ball of Goo is actually the self portrait.

 My mom thought this was one of the funniest things
she has ever seen.

 just a little message to Dr. Ciacco

 I love animal crackers. And with a three year old in the
house, we seem to have an endless supply of them.

Dr. Musser was kind enough to lend me his "Human
Anatomy for Artists" by Elliot Goldfinger. This is my thankyou
card to Andy. Thank you Andy.

I don't have ice cream that often. I would like it more often.

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